Friday, April 16, 2010

Baked By Melissa - my new love

Baked By Melissa
14th St. between Union Square West and 5th Ave.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Ordered: 1 of every flavor :) (3 for $3, 12 for $10; other amounts available)


Conveniently located off of Union Square, Baked By Melissa offers one of the most unique - and tasty - treats in NYC: mini cupcakes. Quarter-sized but packin' the flavor of a ten-dollar bill (corny, I know), each cupcake offers a different spin on a bakery classic, and some even come stuffed with cream!

Based on my extensive experience with these bite-sized sweets (I ate a dozen of them standing outside after I bought 'em), I would suggest the Red Velvet, Peanut Butter & Jelly (stuffed with jelly!) and Cookies and Cream varieties, in that order. The rest of their 9-flavor line up includes flavors like Mint Chocolate Chip, Tie-dye, Cookie Dough, Peanut Butter Cup, Cinnamon, and S'mores.

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